Studies continue to indicate an increase in the quantity of mail business owners receive and the decline in response rate for the advertiser.
Some quick tips to aid you in getting the results you hope for.
- Your Direct Mail should be a “Direct Mail Program” with a clear strategy, timeline, and goals. Not just an impromptu letter or card sent only occasionally; like right after you’ve had a closing.
- Make sure you use colors that get the reader’s attention.
- Focus your offer on benefits to the business owners; benefits of your brokerage services, how they will benefit from your experience and expertise, etc.
- It goes without saying; keep your mailing list updated. Undeliverable pieces decrease your response rate and increase your mailing costs.
- Include an offer that the business owner will find of value, a free business review, market analysis, etc.
- Entice the business owner to visit your website to learn more, download the complete article, get a list of tips for preparing their business for sale, etc. (Remember to have all the information about you, your company, and your business brokerage services clearly detailed on your website.)
- Try a series of follow up mail pieces to the same list over a condensed period of time, i.e. a monthly mailing for six consecutive months. Surveys show that the average person must be exposed six to eight times to a marketing promotion or advertisement before making a buying decision.