Get a Retainer

When I entered business brokerage in 1985 I joined a franchised main street business brokerage office. During the almost 10 years I spent with that office I saw 150 agents, and this is a conservative estimate, come and go. I also outlasted two owners. In 1994 I started my own firm to focus solely onRead More

Is Now a Good Time to Sell a Business?

As we begin 2014, everyone – business owners, business buyers and business brokers are asking, “Will 2014 be a good year for selling businesses?”  Earlier this week, FOX Small Business Center posted an interview and article that provide some insight into the current market and answers to this question. The video, starting at about theRead More

Getting Started as a Business Broker

Getting Started as a Business Broker

Start and Build a Successful Business Brokerage Career Becoming a business broker is like most things, there is the quick and easy way and the researched, preplanned more methodical way. Either approach may work but the later has a better chance of resulting in a long term successful business brokerage career. Since there essentially isRead More

Business Brokerage Career

Business Brokerage Career

Business Brokerage “An Excellent Career Choice” Are you contemplating a business brokerage career?  If so, you probably have lots of questions and concerns.  Is now the right time?  Is business brokerage the right career choice for me?  Can I make enough money being a business broker?  What is the business brokerage industry really like? We’llRead More

Become a Business Broker

Start and Build a Successful Business Brokerage Career The Business Brokerage Industry has been around for more than 100 years.  However, many people have never met a Business Broker or considered it as a possible career.  The Business Brokerage Industry is not very large.  For the last ten years, there have been approximately 3,000 BusinessRead More